Dear SSIEM Members, Colleagues and Friends,
Welcome to the first SSIEM 2020 Virtual Symposium Day, December 3, 2020! This is an adventure to all of us after having practiced more than half a century of "live" SSIEM annual meetings.
The evolving SARS‐CoV‐2 (COVID‐19) pandemic has not only changed the world tremendously, but also forced us to make the difficult decision to postpone our 53rd Annual Meeting to 2022 in Freiburg. Instead for the current year, SSIEM council members and the editors of our journals (Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease and JIMD Reports) organised a challenging one day online symposium, to which we welcome you all very much. In addition, we organised our first online annual general meeting to be held in conjunction at 7 pm, GMT to which all SSIEM members are invited.
The aims of this symposium day are to bring together our global community, to foster the study of inherited metabolic disorders, and to showcase research in different metabolic disciplines from all over the world.
We have put together an exciting scientific programme for our online symposium day, including invited lectures, and the Komrower and Garrod lectures. In the late breaking news section, four selected abstracts will be presented as oral presentations. The recorded lectures will remain available for 3 months.
Finally, we would like to encourage attending the ICIEM 2021 in Sydney as well as to announce the upcoming SSIEM Annual Symposia in Freiburg (2022), Jerusalem (2023) and Porto (2024).
Please participate/join, enjoy and profit from the virtual day, and stay healthy!
Thank you very much for joining us “digitally“.
With our best wishes,
On behalf of the Organisation Team,
Gajja Salomons, Chair of SSIEM
Eva Morava, Editor in Chief JIMD / JIMD Reports
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